Showing posts with label Extreme Heat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extreme Heat. Show all posts


2024 Heat From Above: 2025 Heat From Below

Esther's Shaman Thoughts


I practice shamanism, and that includes two way communication with my guides.  If there is something I need to know, they are free to give me a little nudge.  Then there is the idea of soul contracts, calling, the job I came to earth to do.  

And so it was, a few years ago, I was given the vision of the Biblical Wormwood.  It started at 3:33 am, I could not sleep, had extreme hunger, was forced to get up from the bed and pace the floors.  I looked out the window, and the sky was glowing, but no clouds, storms, or anything that could be explained away as light reflection.  And in my head and ears, I heard the Guide's voice say, and his name is Wormwood, over and over and over.  


Walker, you who go listen: A Prophecy by Benjamin Solari Parravicini


Walker, you who go listen:
Coming to Earth is the overflow of cataclysm
The seas are already irresponsible will climb countries
Rivers will flood regions
Craters will roar lofty
There will be rains of water giants
Snow will cover the unexpected
Heat of fire will ignite the realm
They will shake the floor in terrible snores
Smoke will rise in burning columns
The flesh of the weary men will be given up
Their living bones will seek death, which will not be
For the hour of terror shall have ordained it, and it shall be:
Ten O'clock !


Natural Hazards: Extreme Heat Events on the Rise


Heat:  Unseasonal, Extreme, and Prolonged Heat Waves:
Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in over one thousand fatalities each year, per the CDC. Heat can be very taxing on the body and heat related illnesses that can occur with even a short period of exposure. Everyone can be vulnerable to heat, but some more so than others. 

Ancient Reports: Extreme Heat, Dryness, Drought, Hot and Scorched Earth


California Drought

Hot and Scorched Earth:
Ancient stories tells us that during the last Binary Solar System Crossing, the Earth went through extreme heat events.  These involved seas so hot they boiled, oceans on fire, waterways drying up, and heat and drought that withered plants and caused famine. 


Climate in Transition, Blended Seasons, and Era of Global Boiling


UN: Temperatures have hit record highs across the world.

Climate Change and Transition:

The climate is changing and warming trends are on the rise.  In the interim, some areas may experience climate transition and a blending of the seasons with extreme hot and cold weather events.    

The Binary Solar System influences in our own solar system are causing climate changes on multiple planets that cannot be explained away as human caused. Space Weather, Solar Events, and Geomagnetic storms are on the rise in frequency and intensity.  


Latin Poet Ovid: "Metamorphoses" Excerpts on Earth on Fire

  Latin Poet Ovid:  "Metamorphoses" Excerpts on Earth on Fire

Metamorphosis Page

Metamorphoses or Transformations:

The poem Metamorphoses or Transformations is a Latin narrative poem by the Roman poet Ovid, and is considered his magnum opus.

The poem tells of the history of the world, and of particular interest here is cataclysmic events that focus on major Earth changes with an emphasis on heat and fire.  It describes how everything was burning, including rivers and river banks. Some waterways actually dry up.  Others may boil, perhaps because of radiation, friction from the earth's moving crust, magma coming to the surface, combustible gas and substances burning, and fire rain from above. 


Ancient Reports: Survival Ideas

  Ancient Reports: Survival Ideas and Tips and Tricks

the mud the mud

Bog Mud, or just Mud:

Sunscreen and protection against harsh elements and heat:

" Chimantou warned them that a dangerous star was about to fall and urged them to hurry to the bog to cover their bodies with mud.


Ancient Reports: Long Days and Nights, Sun and Moon Stand Still

 The Sun and Moon Standing Still:

Ancient Reports:

"Worlds in Collision" by Immanuel Velikovsky

Western Hemisphere Stories:
  • In the Mexican Annals of Cuauhtitlan, the history of the empire of Culhuacan and Mexico, written in Nahua-Indian in the sixteenth century—it is related that during a cosmic catastrophe that occurred in the remote past, the night did not end for a long time.


Ancient Reports: Warming Oceans, Boiling Seas, Dry Waterways

 What burns the land, boils the seas.

Heat from Above and Below

The Binary Solar System, its planets and asteroids, may affect our sun, increase space weather events and radiation hitting the earth. These also trigger heat from below as magma and lava come to the surface, volcanic activity increases, and friction from increased tectonic plate movements and slowing rotation that heats and melts the crust.  These activities may warm the waters from below. 

Earthquakes, landslides, and crustal displacement may cause tsunamis and rerouting of water. 

Forces from above and below may cause the rate of evaporation to increase. Some bodies of water may run dry.  Storms may increase in number and intensity and in areas where they do not normally happen. Climate change, seasonal disturbances and blended seasons occur.