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Islam and the Red Star

 Islam the Red Star At Tariq

Prophet Muhammad Hadith Narration:

Abi Ja'far said:

 "If the Abbas reaches Khorasan, (a star known as) Horn Zu-Shifa rises in the East. The first time it appeared was at the perishing of the people of (Prophet) Noah when Allah drowned them. And it rose at the time of (Prophet) Abraham, peace be upon him, when they cast him into fire, and when Allah caused Pharaoh (at the time of Moses) and those with him to perish, and when (Prophet) John (the Baptist) son of Zakariah was killed. If you see this, seek refuge in Allah against the evilness of Fitan (strifes and tribulations). It will rise after the eclipse of the sun and the moon. Then, soon the Abqa (a man seeking to rule) in Egypt will appear."


 Nuaim bin Hammad's book Kitab Al-Fitan, Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi's book Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 32

Quran Surah 86 At Tariq:

1. By the heaven and the

morning star.

2. And what do you know

what the morning star is.

3. A piercing star.

4. Indeed, each soul has a

guardian over it.

5. Then let man see from

what he is created.

6. He is created from a fluid

gushing forth.

7. Emerging from between

the back bone and the ribs.

8. Surely, He (Allah) is Able

to return him (to life).

9. The Day when secrets will

be brought to scrutiny.

10. Then he (man) will have

no power, nor helper.

11. By the sky that sends

down rain.

12. And the earth that splits

13. Indeed, it (the Quran) is

a decisive Word.

14. And it is no amusement.

15. Indeed, they are plotting

a plot.

16. And I am devising a plan.

17. So give a respite to the

disbelievers, leave them to

themselves for a while.
