Gilgamesh Devastating Floods, Fire, and Winds
The old Babylonian epic poem Gilgamesh contains a description of the Flood. It predates the account of Genesis.
"Traditions connected with the pole shift model of the
The combination of fire, devastating wind and falling masses of water can be produced, when a hot planetlike object passes near the Earth. The heat produces the fire and the tidal forces move air and water. Oceans may spill over continents.
"At the first glow of dawn, an immense black cloud rose on the horizon and crossed the sky. Inside it the storm god Adad was thundering, while Shullat and Hanish, twin gods of destruction, went first, tearing through mountains and valleys. Nergal, the god of pestilence, ripped out the dams of the Great Deep, Ninurta opened the floodgates of heaven, the infernal gods blazed and set the whole land on fire. A deadly silence spread through the sky and what had been bright now turned to darkness. The land was shattered like a clay pot. All day, ceaselessly, the storm winds blew, the rain fell, then the Flood burst forth, overwhelming the people like war. No one could see through the rain, it fell harder and harder, so thick that you couldn’t see your own hand before your eyes. Even the gods were afraid. The water rose higher and higher until the gods fled to Anu’s palace in the highest heaven. But Anu had shut the gates. The gods cowered by the palace wall, like dogs."
Worlds in Collision Excerpts:
From out the horizon rose a dark cloud and it rushed against the earth; the land was shriveled by the heat of the flames. "Desolation . . . stretched to heaven; all that was bright was turned into darkness. . . . Nor could a brother distinguish his brother. . . . Six days . . . the hurricane, deluge, and tempest continued sweeping the land . . . and all human back to its clay was returned.
"The sky and the earth resounded . . . mountains and hills were moved," says the Midrash. "Loud did the firmament roar, and earth with echo resounded,"
Epic of Gilgamesh Poem Excerpts:
Warning and Preparation for a Deluge Flood
Tearing down a house to rebuild it as a boat:
Said Uta-napishti to him, to Gilgamesh:
'Let me disclose, O Gilgamesh, a matter most secret,
to you 1 will tell a mystery of gods.
'The town of Shuruppak, a city well known to you,
which stands on the banks of the river Euphrates:
this city was old - the gods once were in it -
when the great gods decided to send down the Deluge.
Their father Anu swore on oath,
and their counsellor, the hero Enlil,
their chamberlain, the god Ninurta,
and their sheriff, the god Ennugi.
'Princely Ea swore with them also,
repeating their words to a fence made of reed:
"O fence of reed! O wall of brick!
Hear this, O fence! Pay heed, O wall!
, "O man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar-Tutu,
demolish the house, and build a boat!
Let Go of Materialism:
Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Preparations:
Abandon wealth, and seek survival!
Spurn property, save life!
Take on board the boat all living things' seed!
"The boat you will build,
her dimensions all shall be equal:
her length and breadth shall be the same,
cover her with a roof, like the Ocean Below."
'I understood, and spoke to Ea, my master:
"I obey, O master, what thus you told me.
I understood, and I shall do it,
but how do I answer my city, the crowd and the elders?"
Windstorms of all kinds:
, "O Shamash, rouse against Humbaba the mighty gale-winds:
South Wind, North Wind, East Wind and West Wind,
Blast, Counterblast, Typhoon, Hurricane and Tempest,
Devil-Wind, Frost-Wind, Gale and Tornado.
'''Let rise thirteen winds and Humbaba's face darken,
let the weapons of Gilgamesh then reach Humbaba!"
After your very own fires are kindled,
at that time, O Shamash, turn your face to the supplicant!
"Shamash roused against Humbaba the mighty gale-winds:
South Wind, North Wind, East Wind and West Wind,
Blast, Counterblast, Typhoon, Hurricane and Tempest,
Devil-Wind, Frost-Wind, Gale and Tornado:
there rose thirteen winds and the face of Humbaba darkened -
he could not charge forwards, he could not kick backwards -
the weapons of Gilgamesh then reached Humbaba.
In a plea for his life said Humbaba to Gilgamesh: "
The Binary Solar System Passage Description:
'The weather to look at was full of foreboding,
I went into the boat and sealed my hatch.
To the one who sealed the boat, Puzur-Enlil the shipwright,
I gave my palace with all its goods.
'At the very first glimmer of brightening dawn,
there rose on the horizon a dark cloud of black,
and bellowing within it was Adad the Storm God.
The gods Shullat and Hanish were going before him,
bearing his throne over mountain and land.
'The god Errakal was uprooting the mooring-poles,
Ninurta, passing by, made the weirs overflow.
The Anunnaki gods carried torches of fire, (lightning and fire)
scorching the country with brilliant flashes (lightning)
Landslides, Tectonic, and Volcanic Activity:
Long Day and Night:
'The stillness of the Storm God passed over the sky,
and all that was bright then turned into darkness.
[He] charged the land like a bull [on the rampage,]
he smashed [it] in pieces [like a vessel of clay.]
'For a day the gale [winds flattened the country,]
quickly they blew, and [then came] the [Deluge.]
Like a battle [the cataclysm] passed over the people.
One man could not discern another,
nor could people be recognized amid the destruction.
'Even the gods took fright at the Deluge,
they left and went up to the heaven of Anu,
lying like dogs curled up in the open.
The goddess cried out like a woman in childbirth,
Belet-ili wailed, whose voice is so sweet:
, "The olden times have turned to clay,
because I spoke evil in the gods' assembly.
How could I speak evil in the gods' assembly,
and declare a war to destroy my people?
, "It is I who give birth, these people are mine!
And now, like fish, they fill the ocean!"
The Anunnaki gods were weeping with her,
'wet-faced with sorrow, they were weeping [with her,]
their lips were parched and stricken with fever.
'For six days and [seven] nights,
there blew the wind, the downpour,
the gale, the Deluge, it flattened the land.
'But the seventh day when it came,
the gale relented, the Deluge ended.
The ocean grew calm, that had thrashed like a woman in labour,
the tempest grew still, the Deluge ended.
'I looked at the weather, it was quiet and still,
but all the people had turned to clay.
Pole Shift and After:
Changes in the Landscape:
The flood plain was flat like the roof of a house.
1 opened a vent, on my cheeks fell the sunlight.
'Down sat I, 1 knelt and 1 wept,
down my cheeks the tears were coursing.
1 scanned the horizons, the edge of the ocean,
in fourteen places there rose an island
Cornell Paper Publication:
"Traditions connected with the pole shift model of the
Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky
Epic of Gilgamesh
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