Showing posts with label Warming Oceans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warming Oceans. Show all posts


Ancient Reports: Warming Oceans, Boiling Seas, Dry Waterways

 What burns the land, boils the seas.

Heat from Above and Below

The Binary Solar System, its planets and asteroids, may affect our sun, increase space weather events and radiation hitting the earth. These also trigger heat from below as magma and lava come to the surface, volcanic activity increases, and friction from increased tectonic plate movements and slowing rotation that heats and melts the crust.  These activities may warm the waters from below. 

Earthquakes, landslides, and crustal displacement may cause tsunamis and rerouting of water. 

Forces from above and below may cause the rate of evaporation to increase. Some bodies of water may run dry.  Storms may increase in number and intensity and in areas where they do not normally happen. Climate change, seasonal disturbances and blended seasons occur.