Showing posts with label Space Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Weather. Show all posts


Natural Hazards: Lightning Strikes on the Rise

 Natural Hazards: Lightning Strikes on the Rise

FRANK CONE/PEXELS: Wenatchee, Washington

Warming Trends and Seasonal Blending

The Binary Solar System system may be behind the warming trends on Earth.  Scientist are calling it Global Warming or Climate Change, we call it Blending of the Seasons.  These warming trends will increase the chances of lightning strikes and Natural Hazard events.  The Binary Solar System is also causing disturbances in Space Weather Events,  Solar Activity, and Geomagnetic storms that increase lightning strikes and effect electrical systems on Earth and near Earth satellites. 



 To Understand the Future, Look to the Past:

Cyclical Cosmic Catastrophism: 

Ancient Stories reveal evidence of Cyclical Cosmic Catastrophism that often takes humanity by surprise. Ever notice how all the planets in our solar system are tilted on their axis and or rotate in different directions?