
2024 Heat From Above: 2025 Heat From Below

Esther's Shaman Thoughts


I practice shamanism, and that includes two way communication with my guides.  If there is something I need to know, they are free to give me a little nudge.  Then there is the idea of soul contracts, calling, the job I came to earth to do.  

And so it was, a few years ago, I was given the vision of the Biblical Wormwood.  It started at 3:33 am, I could not sleep, had extreme hunger, was forced to get up from the bed and pace the floors.  I looked out the window, and the sky was glowing, but no clouds, storms, or anything that could be explained away as light reflection.  And in my head and ears, I heard the Guide's voice say, and his name is Wormwood, over and over and over.  

I verified this idea with more research and found out we may be part of a Binary Solar System that comes with its own planets, objects, and asteroids, of which one is the infamous Wormwood spoken about in the Bible and other Ancient Texts.  

I talked to a few people in real life, and a few of them confirmed that there is something out there.  It has come through our solar system before, and that caused our own planets to shift in their orbits and on their axis, it is here and we are passing through their solar system now.  There are going to be some side effects from this system on planet Earth.  

2023 Shamanic Guidance for 2024:

We are entering a period of extreme heat, weather extremes, and an increase in natural hazard events.  While this is not the climax, we are seeing these events increase in number and intensity.  Heat records from around the world are breaking daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly records.  Many heat and weather records are being broken around the world.  A quick internet search can verify this.  

Climate Change Tipping Point and Year 2024:

Many who study climate change, some of them in the early 2000s, others seeing it now, see the year 2024 as a possible tipping point, a point of no return.  

I do not agree with them that this is human caused climate change, emphasis on human caused.  Humans and their activities, at most, may be responsible for less than 5%.  Even that is arguable.  

And we cannot exactly blame earth bound humans for climate changes happening on other planets in our solar system.  The Climate is in transition, and things are heating up, but this is under influences and forces that come from above.  

More of my thoughts and research here:

Climate in Transition, Blended Seasons, and Era of Global Boiling

2024 Shamanic Guidance for 2025 going into 2026

All of the above will continue to happen. 

Weak Areas In the Earth's Crust:

Weakened and compromised areas such as river beds or areas that have had extensive mining, fracking, and underground erosion, may be the first to see major side effects. We are already seeing an increase in land movements worldwide that include sinkholes, landslides, landslips, and washouts.

My Research Here:

Natural Hazards: Landslides, Debris Flows, Washouts, and Sinkholes on the Rise

Going into 2025 and beyond, as we see more land shifts, we will start to see earthquakes increase in number and intensity, and possibly volcanism and volcanoes.

The Earth Dries Out and Splits Like a Roasted Nut

Per my Shamanic Vision: If 2024 is Heat from Above, and Extreme Weather and Natural Hazard Events are on the rise, then 2025 will be Heat From Below, and the side effects like escape of combustible gases, wildfires, earthquakes, and possible volcanic activity will be on the rise.

Heat causes expansion. As warm air rises, and partial natural vacuums are created, the earth's crust will warm and expand. As winter turns to summer, and the structures in a home may warm at different rates, many people see their doors jam, as the doors expand first. The earth's crust and the materials on or in it are no different.

To fill the voids created by this expansion, we will see magma rise to the surface, warming the water, gases, and other contents. Hot water, steam, and gases and combustible gases, along with lava, are going to be released more frequently. The Yellowstone Blowout event is an example of what could happen.

Was this Yellow Stone Event a harbinger of things to come?

As these shifts happen, there will be an increase in earthquake and tectonic activities. Shaking of the soil may further exasperate the problem leading to issues like liquefaction and an increase in loose soils. This will only cause landslides, sinkholes, and washouts to increase in number and intensity. In the near future, perhaps 2025 going into 2026, volcanic activity will also increase.

My 2024 Shamanic Vision Heat From Above and Natural Vacuums

Natural and Partial Vacuums:

Now, we go deeper into the earth’s crust.  Heat rises and causes expansion in materials, and partial  Natural Vacuums may form in the air, on the ground, and below the ground.

Some might remember the Chocolate Covered  Marshmallow in the Vacuum Experiment from school.  As air thins and is pulled away, the marshmallow expands, this represents inner earth. The Chocolate layer is Earth’s Crust, expanding and cracking and releasing the contents within. 

As the marshmallow expands, we start to see cracks in the chocolate, and out pops the inner contents, the marshmallow. In our earth example, these contents could be magma, lava, combustible gasses, and hot water vapor.   This is like stretching on a rubber band or earth’s crust. This is the stage we are in. 

Please see video demonstration at the beginning of this article.

Conclusion:  No Fear and Be Prepared, Not Scared

I often say Be Prepared, Not Scared.  However, part of preparation is mental acceptance of what is to come, and keeping a flexible mindset verses complete denial. 

Extreme heat, even radiation from a possible second sun, will dry out the crust, and plants and trees that grow on it. Besides Natural Hazard pressures, these plants may no longer be life bearing or provide food. This may lead to famine, starvation, malnutrition, and possible economic, social, and political pressures and issues. Early preparation in mindset and skillsets like fishing may be the key to our survival.

Good news is these things will not last forever. Perhaps like the story of Joseph in the Abrahamic Faiths, now is the time to prepare, while we still can, for those 7 years of lean. The earth will recover and be rejuvenated, and may be for the better in some areas and for some people.

Whether we look at the old Exodus Story, or look at modern stories like the Iceland lava flows and land changes, being flexible and preparing for loss of property, and the possibility of having to move and migrate is part of survival. The Jewish people had to leave the comforts of their city life, and even slavery brings predictability of where the next meal is coming from, and migrate to and wander the desert for a few years, decades actually. We are not there yet, where we tell Pharaoh I no longer serve you and I am free, but very close.  

Ancient Reports: Survival Ideas

More Information:

For a preview of 2025 going into 2026, do a google search of the Iceland Lava flows, and shifts and cracks that appeared in the land. And you know what was the harbinger of all that?  Thousands of small earthquakes. Similar to what we see on a small scale in Western Texas right now.  






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