The Sun and Moon Standing Still:
"Worlds in Collision" by Immanuel Velikovsky
- In the Mexican Annals of Cuauhtitlan, the history of the empire of Culhuacan and Mexico, written in Nahua-Indian in the sixteenth century—it is related that during a cosmic catastrophe that occurred in the remote past, the night did not end for a long time.
- In the Mexican annals it is stated that the world was deprived of light and the sun did not appear for a fourfold night. In a prolonged day or night time could not be measured by the usual means at the disposal of the ancients
- Sahagun, the Spanish savant who came to America a generation fter Columbus and gathered the traditions of the aborigines, wrote that at the time of one cosmic catastrophe the sun rose only a little way over the horizon and remained there without moving; the moon also stood still.
- The Manuscript QuichS of the Mayas tells that in the Western Hemisphere, in the days of a great cataclysm, when the earth quaked and the sun's motion was interrupted, the water in the rivers turned to blood.
12. Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
14. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
Kolbrin Bible Blended Days and a Long Night
Man 6:14 .... " As the Destroyer flung itself through the Heavens, it blew great gusts of cinders across the face of the land. The gloom of a long night spread a dark mantle of blackness, which extinguished every ray of light. None knew when it was day and when it was night, for the sun cast no shadow."
MAN:6:15 " The darkness was not the clean blackness of night, but a thick darkness in which the breath of men was stopped in their throats. "
MAN:6:22 "There were nine days of darkness and upheaval, while a tempest raged such as never had been known before."
Academic Paper:
"Traditions connected with the pole shift model of the Pleistocene"
Documents another German Source and Author named Jockel
Persistent Day Jockel Regarding China
"Ehemals gab es keine Nacht. Es war best¨andig Tag, und deshalb war es sehr heiss. Durch die grosse Hitze verdorrten alle Gr¨aser und Str¨aucher, und die"
Google Translate:
"There used to be no night. It was constant day, and therefore it was very hot. Due to the great heat, all the grasses and bushes withered, and the... People couldn't close their eyes for a moment to sleep."
Two interpretations:
Slowed Rotation and Long Days:
Many Ancient stories and modern researchers believe the Earth's rotation slowed down leading to long days and nights, with an eventual stop, leading to a long hot day. Reversal of rotation may have occurred during some Binary Solar System Crossings and the sunrise changed from East to West or West to East.
Two Suns, One on Each Side of the Earth:
However, these authors have an opinion that there were two suns in the sky, the sun we currently know, and then another star or sun, or a comet or planet on the night side that reflected the sun's light. The Earth may have kept its rotation, but there was persistent light and heat.
There are several thoughts to add to this. Most of the Ancient accounts talk about The Binary Solar System being hidden by our sun, and a dark planet. So humanity was oblivious to its coming until it was to late and the upheavals were already in progress.
So what did the Chinese see here? Did this story refer to an anomaly in past Crossings? Or were they in a dusk zone while rotation slowed or stopped? Perhaps a persistent morning or evening, but no complete night. Whatever the basis of the story or perception of the observers, it matches other Ancient Stories and Reports of a Persistent Long Day and what will be covered in other articles is the persistent intense heat that scorched the earth.
Ancient Warnings:
Islam and Hadith Narration by Prophet Muhammad:
"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) mentioned the Dajjal (Antichrist) saying: If he comes forth while I am among you I shall be the one who will dispute with him on your behalf, but if he comes forth when I am not among you, a man must dispute on his own behalf, and Allah will take my place in looking after every Muslim. Those of you who live up to his time should recite over him the opening verses of Surat al – Kahf, for they are your protection from his trial. We asked: How long will he remain on the earth ? He replied : Forty days, one like a year, one like a month, one like a week, and rest of his days like yours. We asked : Messenger of Allah, will one day’s prayer suffice us in this day which will be like a year ? He replied : No, you must make an estimate of its extent. Then Jesus son of Marry will descend at the white minaret to the east of Damascus. He will then catch him up at the date of Ludd and kill him."
Full text of "Chan Thomas The Adam And Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms ( 1993 Full UNCENSORED)"
A partial version is also on the CIA library.
Based on these reports:
- The legends from primitive man in Peru of the day the Sun stood still
- The legends from Malayan and Sumatran tribal aborigines of the long night
What is to come:
"Survivors there marvel at the Sun, standing still in the sky for nearly half a day."
"Take a good stopwatch with you. Your days may be longer or shorter than 24 hours. "
The Kolbrin Bible:
Kolbrin Bible Warns the Destroyer Will Come to Earth Again
MAN:3:5 " The Heavens will burn brightly and redly; there will be a copper hue over the face of the land, 'followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break up and fall."
Ancient Reports: Warming Oceans, Boiling Seas, Dry Waterways
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