Zecharia Sitchin: Research Excerpts and Analyses

Zecharia Sitchin:

(July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)  

" was an author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun."



"Anunnaki, class of gods within the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon. The precise meaning of the term (“princely seed” in Sumerian) remains ill-defined, as the number of these gods, their names, and their functions vary according to the limited historical texts scholars have recovered.

Sometimes they were referred to as Judges or Judges of the Dead. "



For Sitchin's Followers:

New and Possibly More Correct Information:

I would ask the audience to consider that Sitchin was only a human researcher and yes, he was ahead of his time, and many of us stand on his shoulders.  But he is also human and certainly not infallible.  

If we come across new information that might be more correct than the old information we possess, then we should upgrade our mental files to reflect the more correct information. 

Sitchin's Worldview:

If we look at the world through the lens of Sitchin's eyes, we see he was born in 1920, and came of age through World War 2, the age of the nuclear bomb followed by a nuclear arms race and cold war. He also witnessed the space race. 

We see themes of space, spaceports, aliens, and nuclear detonation woven into his  theories, opinions, and writing.  He commonly attributes ancient disasters and cosmic cataclysms as resulting from nuclear bombs, weapons, technology, and nuclear fallout.  

I am not here to say the Anunnaki and Ancient Humans did not possess such advanced technology, neither to deny nuclear weapons were used and that nuclear accidents did  happen.  

However, a nuclear detonation does not fully explain the global cosmic cataclysms that happened and were reported by Ancients around the world, neither does it explain the persistent Natural Hazard, Disaster, and Extreme Weather events that went on for days, weeks, even months in some places.  

In Sitchin's  work, he cites other researchers and scientists who have observed some of the same things other ancient civilizations talked about such as Evil Wind or Windstorms and Whirlwinds, scorching heat, fire, dried up waterways, drought, withered plants, thick dust, iron oxide dust, ash, earthquakes, land shifting activity which could include landslides and sinkholes, debris and mudflows, mass illness,  and mass death in cities.  

All of these events led to both Earth Humans and Anunnaki abandoning their cities and temples with the possibility of an Alien Humanoid Race, The Anunnaki being called back to their home known as Nibiru to their contemporaries.  

Some of the ancient writings Sitchin references may have been allegories, metaphors, and those they called the gods, simply leaders of the time, or individuals with more power over others.  Even if they were aliens, they were very much humanoid like us.  These gods and leaders also succumbed to the calamities, whether they had to  abandon the cities, or were taken up.  

If we remove Sitchin's bias that past cataclysms on earth were of a nuclear nature, or to punish and eliminate humans, now his books read like any other Binary Solar System and Nibiru and Wormwood Ancient Stories from around the world.  

Sitchin's Book Excerpts and Analyses:

"The End of Days Armageddon and the Prophecies of the Return"


The Bull of Heaven

Chapter 6 Gone With the Wind

Around the world, many ancient civilizations were abandoned or destroyed at the same time in what was probably a common calamity. Many of the events listed were persistent for days, weeks, even months.  These events permanently changed the geography of the land and the lives of those people forever.  

List of Some of those Events: 

  • Evil Winds (Intense, Prolonged Windstorms)
  • Lightning and Lightning Bolts
  • Flashes and Light Flashes
  • Thunderings
  • Fire Rain
  • Fire and Sulphur or Fire and Brimstone
  • Dust Storms and Fallout
  • Scorching Heat
  • Desolate Cities
  • Dried Waterways
  • Dried Land
  • Animals dying
  • Plants withering
  • Drought
  • Famine
  • Deluge and Floods
  • Earthquakes
  • Destroyed Cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) 
  • Mass illness and death for those in cities. 
  • Changes in landscapes, think crustal displacement, land shifts, landslides, mud and debris flows, and sinkholes.
  • Respiratory Issues, and heart and lung failure in humans. 
  • Coughing up sputum. 

Dust Storms and Fallout:

Red Iron Oxide Dust cited by other Ancient Stories:

Sitchin cited researchers who talked about the dust.  Ancient stories from around the world talk about a thick red dust that turned water to a bloody consistency, and poisoned humans and animals.  This may  have caused plagues and invasions by  opportunistic animals and insects.  This was followed by  famine and mass die off in many species. 

Iron Oxide Dust can cause human illness, respiratory distress and coughing as described by Sitchin and other Ancient Stories. 

Chapter 3 Egyptian Prophecies:

Hint of damaged land that implies crustal displacement, landslides, and sinkholes:

Behold, there is something about which men speak;

It is terrifying . . .

What will be done was never done before.

The Earth is completely perished.

The land is damaged, no remainder exists.

There is no sunshine that people could see,

No one can live with the covering clouds,

The south wind opposes the north wind.

The rivers of Egypt are empty . . .

Ra must begin the foundations of the Earth again.

“rushing wind gusts . . . a tempest that scorches the heavens.”

On that day,

When heaven was crushed

and the Earth was smitten,

its face obliterated by the maelstrom—

When the skies were darkened

and covered as with a shadow—(A Long Day and Night, slowed rotation, Plus sun eclipsed by Planets from the Binary Solar System?)

On that day the Evil Wind was born.

Lightning, Thunder, and Earthquakes

I shall recall the Lord’s deeds,

remember thine wonders in antiquity . . .

The waters saw thee, O Lord, and shuddered.

Thine splitting sparks went forth,

lightnings lit up the world.

The sound of thine thunder was rolling,

the Earth was agitated and it quaked.

Fire Rain and Brimstone:

Though daylight was dawning, darkness came.

Lightning flashed, a flame shot up.

The clouds swelled, it rained death!

Then the glow vanished, the fire went out,

And all that had fallen was turned to ashes.

Quotes Events of Sodom and Ghomorrah:

Sitchin thinks they were being warned of an event that  could be cancelled. But what if it was just a warning to get out of the city as a cosmic cataclysm was about to occur?

Just as some of us are doing research and warning others that this event could happen in our lifetime, and if not ours, our collective children? 

"The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as some natural calamity, yet the biblical version confirms twice that the “upheaval” by “fire and sulfur”

Land Damage:

"Photographs of the Sinai Peninsula from space  still show the immense cavity and the crack in the surface. The upheaval of the cities in the plain of the Dead Sea caused the southern shore of the sea to collapse, leading to a flooding of the once fertile area."

Future Warnings and Prophecy of Nibiru's Return:

Comes in other chapters of the book. 

He quotes the Bible book of Revelation

Signs of the Times:

Countdown to the return of Nibiru: (Sitchin's Opinion)

"mathematical orbital period of Nibiru"

"By linking a Jubilee calendar and the zodiacal calendar to Nibiru’s orbit, was the biblical God saying, “When you enter the Promised Land, start the countdown to the Return”?

Surprise Solar Eclipse:

The Ancients report this solar eclipse as prolonged: 

"As rare as solar eclipses are, the astronomical legacy of Mesopotamia included knowledge of the phenomenon, calling it atalu shamshi. Textual references suggest that not only the phenomenon but even its lunar involvement were part of the accumulated ancient knowledge. In fact, a solar eclipse whose path of totality passed over Assyria had occurred in 762 b.c.e. It was followed by one in 584 b.c.e. that was seen all across the Mediterranean lands, with totality over Greece. 

But then, in 556 b.c.e., there occurred an extraordinary solar eclipse “not in an expected time.” If it was not due to the predictable motions of the Moon, could it have."

This solar eclipse seems to take the Ancient Wise Ones by surprise as perhaps they had only calculated for the moon.  Nibiru suddenly appears and eclipses the sun. 

Long Day and or Night Implied:

Possibly slowed and stopped rotation:

In the beginning the solar disc,

not in an expected time,

became darkened,

and stood in the radiance of the Great Planet.

On day 30 [of the month] was

the eclipse of the Sun.

Concluding Thoughts:

In Sitchin's writings, we do see evidence that during the last Nibiru Planet X Crossing, the earth went through many extreme upheavals, and that a future Crossing and Upheavals will happen again.  If we remove the bias for nuclear detonation, then we see Sitchin's research and stories match those of other ancient stories around the world. 

I have said enough on this topic for those with eyes that see and ears that hear.  The Readers are welcome to continue their own research, and draw their own conclusions. 


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