
Ancient Reports: Two Suns

  Ancient Reports of Two Suns

Star Wars Tatooine

Academic Paper: 

"Traditions connected with the pole shift model of the Pleistocene"


Two Suns Jockel  Regarding  China 

German Quote:

"In alter Zeit gab es zwei Sonnen. Ging die eine unter, so ging die andere auf. Da das Aufgehen der einen Sonne und das Untergehen der anderen immer innerhalb eines Tages geschah, gab es keine Nacht. Best¨andig herrschte heller Tag, und die Menschen litten schwer unter der grossen Hitze. S¨aten sie die Samen auf den Ackern aus, so ging die Saat wegen der Hitze nicht auf. Man ¨ war gezwungen, Schutzmatten zu flechten, um die Felder vor den Strahlen der Sonnen zu sch¨utzen."

Google Translate: 

"In ancient times there were two suns. If one went down, the other went on. Since the rising of one sun and the setting of the other always happened within a day, there was no night. It was always brighter day, and the people suffered severely from the great heat. Seeds were sown in the fields, but the seeds did not grow because of the heat. Man ¨was forced to weave protective mats to protect the fields from the rays of the sun."

Like a Red Sun or Moon:

Other Ancient Accounts:

A body close to the sun and of a red blood color. The sickle could also be its dragon shape. 

Image: Gabriel, TX, 2024

"Worlds in Collision" by Immanuel Velikovsky


"Among the early authors, Lydus, Servius (who quotes Avienus), Hephaestion, and Junctinus, in addition to Pliny, mention the Typhon comet. It is depicted as an immense globe (globus immodicus) of fire, also as a sickle, which is a description of a globe illuminated by the sun, and close enough to be observed thus. Its movement was slow, its path was close to the sun. Its color was bloody: “It was not of fiery, but of bloody redness.” It caused destruction “in rising and setting”. Servius writes that this comet caused many plagues, evils, and hunger."


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