
Ancient Reports: Lightning and Extreme Electrical Events

  Lightning and  Electrical Events

Francois Loubser/Alamy

Ancient Stories and Prophecies:

Kolbrin Bible Book of Creation 

Increase in all weather and natural hazard events:

Creation 3:1

"At the time of the great destruction of Earth, God caused a dragon from out of Heaven to come and encompass her about. The dragon was frightful to behold, it lashed its tail, it breathed out fire and hot coals, and a great catastrophe was inflicted upon mankind. The body of the dragon was wreathed in a cold bright light and beneath, on the belly, was a ruddy hued glow, while behind it trailed a flowing tail of smoke. It spewed out cinders and hot stones and its breath was foul and stenchful, poisoning the nostrils of men. Its passage caused great thunderings and lightnings to rend the thick darkened sky, all Heaven and Earth being made hot. The seas were loosened from their cradles and rose up, pouring across the land. There was an awful, shrilling trumpeting which outpowered even the howling of the unleashed winds. "

Manuscripts 6:26

"In seven days, by Remwar, the accursed ones journeyed to the waters. They crossed the heaving wilderness while the hills melted around them; above, the skies were torn with lightning. They were sped by terror, but their feet became entangled in the land and the wilderness shut them in. They knew not the way, for no sign was constant before them."

Man. 6:30

" The host of Pharaoh came upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but was held back from them by a breath of fire. A great cloud was spread over the hosts and darkened the sky. None could see, except for the fiery glow and the unceasing lightnings, which rent the covering cloud overhead."

Kolbrin Bible Warns the Destroyer Will Come to Earth Again


Ezekiel 1:13

"In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches darting back and forth among the living beings. The fire was bright, and lightning was flashing from the fire."

Ezekiel's Wheel: Ancient Story and Prophetic Warnings

Revelation 8:5

"And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. "

Warning of a future Binary Solar System Crossing:

Biblical Revelation 8-9 Wormwood Prophecy

Increased Lightning Strikes, Electrical Events and Heating of the Earth:

Excerpts From: "EARTH IN UPHEAVAL"

Emmanuel Velikovsky 


Binary Solar System and possibly Wormwood Debris Field of Dust, Particles, Meteorites, and Iron a Great Conductor of Electricity:

"On passing through a large cloud of dust particles or meteorites, the earth and its atmosphere would be heated by the direct impact of these bodies on its atmosphere, its oceans, its land.  The other possibility would be that, on passing through a cloud of dust carrying an electromagnetic charge, the earth would react with electrical currents on its surface that would develop a thermal effect. If the earth passed through a strong field, the heat would be very intense. Selecting the better conducting strata, these currents would go through metal-bearing formations, possibly deeper in the crust, sparing life in some quarters and destroying it in others. 

Such heat could evaporate oceans to a great depth, cause the intrusion of igneous rock into sedimentary rock, start the flow of magma from fissures, and activate all volcanoes. 

The earth is itself a large magnet. A charged cloud of dust or gases, moving in relation to the earth, would be an electromagnet. An extraneous electromagnetic field that would produce a thermal effect on the earth would also shift the terrestrial axis and change the rotational velocity of the earth. This, in turn, would have a thermal effect, since the energy of motion would be converted into heat, and possibly into other forms of energy—electrical, magnetic, and chemical, as well as nuclear—with ensuing radioactivity, again with thermal effect. 

Natural upheavals of great violence reacted destructively upon the forests. But those trees that survived the Kli-mastiirze of the eighth and seventh centuries (hurricanes, floods, lava, and fire) were stimulated to growth by the increased presence of carbon dioxide in the air, yet impeded by a screen of clouds and dust; they might have been invigorated by electrical discharges in the atmosphere and possibly magnetic storms, and benefited from the addition of ashes to the soil."

What Burns the Land Boils the Sea


Almost all Ancient Stories documented on this site speak of increases in electrical activity like lightning, thunder, extreme heat, fires, and melting of the crust and mountain.  Trees and vegetation withered and died, famine followed. 

Ancient Reports: Warming Oceans, Boiling Seas, Dry Waterways

Red Iron Oxide dust may have contributed to electric conductivity and fires in the atmosphere and on land.  

Ancient Reports: Red Dust, Red Earth, Blood Water

Excerpts from "Worlds in Collision" (WiC)

Emmanuel Velikovsky 


"When the earth passed through the gases, dust, and meteorites of the tail of the comet, disturbed in rotation, it proceeded on a distorted orbit. Emerging from the darkness, the Eastern Hemisphere faced the head of the comet. This head only shortly before had passed close to the sun and was in a state of candescence. The night the great earthquake shook the globe was, according to rabbinical literature, as bright as the day of the summer solstice. Because of the proximity of the earth, the comet left its own orbit and for a while followed the orbit of the earth. The great ball of the comet retreated, then again approached the earth, shrouded in a dark column of gases which looked like a pillar of smoke during the day and of fire at night, and the earth once more passed through the atmosphere of the comet, this time at its neck. This stage was accompanied by violent and incessant electrical discharges between the atmosphere of the tail and the terrestrial atmosphere." 


 Besides electrical activity, this passage implies the earth's rotation was disturbed, possibly slowed and stopped as its Eastern side magnetically locked with one or more planets or bodies from The Binary Solar System. There was a long night bright as day, earthquakes happened, and violent electrical discharges happened in the atmosphere, and possible between the two planets.  Some research suggest a sustained pillar of light, as described in the Exodus story, occurred. 

WiC Continued:

"When the tidal waves rose to their highest point, and the seas were torn apart, a tremendous spark flew between the earth and the globe of the comet, which instantly pushed down the miles high billows.

 Meanwhile, the tail of the comet and its head, having become entangled with each other by their close contact with the earth, exchanged violent discharges of electricity. It looked like a battle between the brilliant globe and the dark column of smoke. In the exchange of electrical potentials, the tail and the head were attracted one to the other and repelled one from the other. From the serpentlike tail extensions grew, and it lost the form of a column. It looked now like a furious animal with legs and with many heads. 

The discharges tore the column to pieces, a process that was accompanied by a rain of meteorites' upon the earth. It appeared as though the monster were defeated by the brilliant globe and buried in the sea, or wherever the meteorites fell. The gases of the tail subsequently enveloped the earth. The globe of the comet, which lost a large portion of its atmosphere as well as much of its electrical potential, withdrew from the earth but did not break away from its attraction.

Apparently, after a six-week interval, the distance between the earth and the globe of the comet again diminished. This new approach of the globe could not be readily observed because the earth was shrouded in the clouds of dust left by the comet on its former approach as well as by dust ejected by the volcanoes. After renewed discharges, the comet and the earth parted. 

The Spark

A phenomenon of great significance took place. The head of the comet did not crash into the earth, but exchanged major electrical discharges with it. A tremendous spark sprang forth at the moment of the nearest approach of the comet, when the waters were heaped at their highest above the surface of the earth and before they fell down, followed by a rain of debris torn from the very body and tail of the comet. "

A fun unconfirmed, but plausible  theory:

Cosmic Light Bulb Circuit:

Ancient stories  tell us of electrical exchanges and extreme lightning events.  But is it plausible that some kind of circuit was opened between the two planets and a light bulb effect happened?  A Pillar of Light as described in the Exodus story?  May be, and here is some plausible physics and science as shared by another researcher.

Facebook Gabriel:

"Magnetic fields induce electrical voltages and currents, i.e. magnetically-induced transients as magnetic fields build and collapse.  This occurs between everything in our solar system.  Add in PX, things get kicked up a notch.  AND....add in iron oxide, and now you have a huge electrical conductor to induce these voltages and currents.  AND....introduce iron oxide into the atmosphere, and the electrical circuit is complete.  These electrical events will only be getting more severe, as increases in iron oxide out there will only reduce the resistance of the conductor - resulting in less voltages developed with currents increasing - the electrical power component of the transient remains more or less the same.  The difference between now and the future?  Voltages initiate the path for current flow.  It's the voltage that initiates the potential for damage, it's the current that does the destruction.  More current, more destruction.

Lightning is a good illustration of this process.  Lightning zig-zags most of the time.  Each part of the zigzag is called a segment.  It takes voltage for each segment to form, with the last segment formed called the leader.  When the leader reaches its destination, you then visually see the lightning bolt pulsing.  The pulsing is the lightning's current flowing thru each segment from start to the point of attachment.  The more intense of light in the pulsing, the more current is flowing thru the lightning channel.  The same holds true for the iron oxide conductor from space to Earth's atmosphere.

And there you have it, the basic mechanics of what to be expecting as PX gets closer and iron oxide increases. "

Current Trends and Signs of the Times:

Natural Hazards: Lightning Strikes on the Rise


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