
This airline will stop serving instant ramen, citing burn danger from worsening turbulence


Many  ancient stories about the last #BinarySolarSystem #Nibiru #Wormwood #AtTariq Crossing speak of strong winds and windstorms.  We are now seeing wind related events like #Turbulence  increasing  in number and intensity making flights more risky. 


Thousands Lose Power In Phoenix After Massive Dust Storm

Ground stop at Sky Harbor Airport. (ADOT photo)

July 23, 2024

A strong storm blanketed parts of Phoenix with dust while dropping heavy rain in other areas. Watch this video to see how people were impacted on the roads, in the sky and at their homes.


'Twisters' movie: NOAA tornado science and staff behind the scenes


Heading to the theater to see the new "Twisters" movie? Keep an eye out for NOAA! You'll see NOAA logos, props and people (as unpaid extras) throughout. Our scientists worked hard behind the scenes with the producers to make the science as accurate and realistic (in some parts!) as possible. 



Massive Landslide Clears Hillside in China


Heavy rainfall triggered a massive landslide that swallowed roadways, trees and orchards. Watch this video to see the slide in its entirety.


2024 Heat From Above: 2025 Heat From Below

Esther's Shaman Thoughts


I practice shamanism, and that includes two way communication with my guides.  If there is something I need to know, they are free to give me a little nudge.  Then there is the idea of soul contracts, calling, the job I came to earth to do.  

And so it was, a few years ago, I was given the vision of the Biblical Wormwood.  It started at 3:33 am, I could not sleep, had extreme hunger, was forced to get up from the bed and pace the floors.  I looked out the window, and the sky was glowing, but no clouds, storms, or anything that could be explained away as light reflection.  And in my head and ears, I heard the Guide's voice say, and his name is Wormwood, over and over and over.  


Samuel Hofman and The Binary Solar System Crash Course

  Will continue to update.

Samuel Hofman Binary Solar System Crash Course

July 15, 2024 Drawing

Under the guidance of Samuel Hofman,  a collective of Citizen Scientists study the Binary Solar System by taking photos and tracking related current events such as seeing Natural Hazard and Extreme Weather Events increasing in number and intensity. 

 Our solar system is currently passing through their solar system, and their planets and bodies are passing just outside earth's atmosphere. This cyclical event happens every 3654 years. There are 8 planets and other bodies like asteroids that each have their own unique signature characteristics, like a planetary fingerprint. The planets are much bigger than planet earth, and are often referred to as sky fillers. 

List of bodies from the Binary Solar System.  This list is not all inclusive. 

The Eight Planets:

1.  Immaru - A gas giant that holding our two solar systems together electromagnetically.  

2. Nibiru- blue color, a water and life bearing planet, Moons are Nana and #Amelsarru

3. Napisiti

4. Isatum and Isatum’s Yellow Moon

5. Atu and Atu’s Moon,

6. Urri

7. Sarru

8. Matim - Blue color, very small

Other Objects:

-LO or Lead Object


- O.C.G. or Object Cluster Group

-Salamander Group


-Tan Asteroid,

-Skull Asteroid,

-Texas Cube 

-Long Box Cube

- Cylinder Craft

-Alien Operated Craft

Samuel Hofman Interviews about The Binary Solar System:

*Nibiru Updates Radio Wasteland*

*How Samuel Hofman Got Involved with The Nibiru System*

Samuel Hofman Life Story:

Courtesy and a paraphrase of Rebecca S. Benningfield on Facebook:

In 1978 Samuel (a junior in High School) wrote a significant term paper that ultimately changed his life forever. In his paper he wrote that we actually HAVE to have a BINARY SOLAR SYSTEM.... and he also stated that we actually live in an ELECTRICAL UNIVERSE not gravitational. Our 2 solar systems are connected ELECTROMAGNETICALLY, and they use the power of ELECTROMAGNITISM to push themselves away from one another. Their planets and ours will not crash into each other. We live in an ELECTRICAL UNIVERSE not gravitational, although there may be some minor effects that we call gravity, at times.

In 1980 the government tracked Samuel Hofman down and ultimately forced him into signing a 30-YEAR non disclosure agreement to keep him from talking about his discovery. In 2010 Samuels non disclosure agreement ended and he has been sharing this information every since.

Samuel uses a skill called "Remote Viewing" which allows him to visualize all the various details of these other planets, the clusters of asteroids & the alien operated crafts. He then creates a drawing of the different things he can see. 

The planets of our Binary Solar System started becoming visible back in 2009.  The MOST incredible part of all of this is how close  these other planets are passing by earth. The majority of ALL the clouds we see on a daily basis are actually clouds coming from other planets. Most of the streaks we see on a daily basis are not chemtrail, but they're in fact trails left behind by other PLANETS & ASTEROIDS that are dragging across earths atmosphere.

One of the eight planets in our Binary Solar System is the famed NIBIRU' = Nibiru, which is a BLUE, water type planet that is inhabited. FOR THE RECORD: Nibiru is NOT a "Red planet" supposedly somewhere behind our sun. 

Planet X is COMPLETE disinformation to keep people looking for "1" planet "somewhere "FAR, FAR AWAY" when IN REALITY, there's actually another ENTIRE solar system w/ another sun passing EXTREMELY close to us, just outside earths atmosphere.

CONSPIRACIES - Multiple conspiracies have been created by the government to keep people distracted from ever finding and/or accepting the truth. Examples of these are: HAARP, Blue Beam, DEW, Sun Simulator, Flat Earth, Planet X, Geo engineering, and Climate Change. 

Even Chemtrails are a distraction. Some  streaks are man made trails which are being sprayed to help hide the planets. BUT remember,,, MOST streaks are caused by CLOSE passing PLANETS & ASTEROIDS that are currently dragging across earths atmosphere DAILY. 

At some point, (most likely in the next 7-11 years) in our 2 SOLAR SYSTEMS will "disconnect" or pull apart.  When that happens we can then expect to see MAJOR destructive effects happen WORLDWIDE and Natural Hazard and Extreme Weather events will increase in number and intensity.  This is a cyclical event that happens every 3654 years to help break up the tectonic plates making gold & other minerals more easily accessible.

Earth is a FACTORY PLANET. Alien life on OTHER planets rely on earth for its resources & commodities.



Aliens, UFOS, and Hybrid Life in Religious Texts, Mythology, and Taught by Ancient Cultures, Telepathic Guidance


Humanoid emotions reflected in the film: Paul

Objective: For Fun!  

Come take a ride with me on this magic carpet while I show you the Worlds and see where these things go! 


Walker, you who go listen: A Prophecy by Benjamin Solari Parravicini


Walker, you who go listen:
Coming to Earth is the overflow of cataclysm
The seas are already irresponsible will climb countries
Rivers will flood regions
Craters will roar lofty
There will be rains of water giants
Snow will cover the unexpected
Heat of fire will ignite the realm
They will shake the floor in terrible snores
Smoke will rise in burning columns
The flesh of the weary men will be given up
Their living bones will seek death, which will not be
For the hour of terror shall have ordained it, and it shall be:
Ten O'clock !


Ancient Reports: Floods


Flood Stories:
Ancient Stories tell us that during the last Binary Solar System Crossing, people around the world experienced catastrophic flooding.  


Zecharia Sitchin: Research Excerpts and Analyses

Zecharia Sitchin:

(July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)  

" was an author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun."


Plato Describes Demise of Ancient Athens and The Acropolis


The Acropolis

Plato describes life in ancient Athens and around The Acropolis before, during, and after a sudden cataclysmic event.  This event changed the landscape around them, including washing away fertile soils.  This story matches other ancient stories that describe mankind as living in a paradise or Garden of Eden lifestyle, and in this case, appeared to be a people of peace and shared what they had with each other.