
Aliens, UFOS, and Hybrid Life in Religious Texts, Mythology, and Taught by Ancient Cultures, Telepathic Guidance


Humanoid emotions reflected in the film: Paul

Objective: For Fun!  

Come take a ride with me on this magic carpet while I show you the Worlds and see where these things go! 

Aristotle said: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

And with that, keep an open mind while reading the following. There is evidence of alien life, human and animal and plant hybrids, and how they have mingled with and even manipulated human life from time to time.  Some may have given humans guidance, whether through telepathic means through the voice in the head, visions, and dreams, to literal visitation.  

Angels visit Lot.  Bible

Exoteric vs Esoteric Religious and Faith Based Meanings:

The objective of sharing this research is not to debunk anyone's faith, but to show one can keep their faith, come to some acceptance otherworldly beings exist, and to live in harmony with them.  

Exoteric or Outside Practices and General Knowledge:

What many are taught in their churches, temples and masjids/mosques, would be considered introductory and exoteric outside information and practices.  Exoteric information is more likely to be understood and accepted by the general public.  

Esoteric or Inside Knowledge and Practices:

This article and research takes a deeper esoteric look into knowledge only known to a few insiders, perhaps the Priest Class of one's particular faith, or those in the higher echelons of leadership in one's government or teachers of culture. 

Esoteric knowledge takes a look at what the possible deeper meanings are, or what the inside and occulted or hidden information is. Contrary to popular belief, occult simply means hidden, not evil. Good and bad things may be hidden for various reasons. 

 Esoteric knowledge reveals the true stories and meanings behind the allegories, metaphors, parables taught in many religions, the meanings behind many symbols and sigils, and the stories of holy books and faith based traditions. 

Apocalypse True Definition:

The Hollywood and socially accepted definition of The Apocalypse is an end of the world scenario involving complete destruction, whether by war or natural forces.  

However, this is not the true meaning.  Apocalypse simply means an unveiling.  Revealing that which is hidden.  Pulling back the curtain.  Revealing that which has been occulted or hidden from humanity for centuries.  Revealing that which humanity has rejected for centuries.  

We are living in the days of The Apocalypse, where the previously unknown, unseen,  occulted and hidden from view is being revealed to humanity.  

So lets pull back the curtains together and learn more about our human origins and Humanoid Alien Life. 

This information can only be introductory at the very most, to wet the appetite and encourage the reader to follow up with more research and meditation and to do some soul searching of their own belief systems. 

Lets get started! 

Definitions of Alien:  

1) Belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing.

2) Coming from another world as in extraterrestrial or otherworldly 

3) Life which does not originate from Earth, and could include God, Jesus, Angels, Demons and or the fallen ones as well as humanoid aliens and lifeforms that came from somewhere else. 

For those who believe in - beings like God(s), the Abrahamic Religions and Scriptures like the Bible and Quran, the Hindu religion and texts, among other similar beliefs and cultural teachings around the world -  those people already believe in otherworldly God(s), Satan,  Angels, Demons. By de facto, they already believe in alien life according to the textbook definition, otherworldly, heavenly, and not of this world.  

If we dig a little deeper, we may see that there was life and humanoid life coming to earth and or living on earth before modern mankind, modern humans entered the picture. For example, the Jinn as taught by Islam.

Jinn are created from fire and air
or, a Smokeless Flame

Obstacles to Research and Acceptance:

Social acceptance, cultural norms, and religious teachings are obstacles leading to denial of Alien Life. If one does accept they are real, then  rejection of Aliens and their Natural Law Rights, may lead to a loss of the relationships, friendships, and potential guidance we could receive from them. 


People who claim they have seen, contacted, and or been abducted by Aliens, ETs and or UFOs are often dismissed as crazy and silenced.  People who do research and detective work to find evidence of Alien visitation to earth and or that they exist are also often dismissed as crazy, on a fool's errand, or conspiracy theorists. 


Some scientists, archeologists, and researchers succumb to these pressure too if they want to be taken professionally and academically seriously and not labelled as crazy.  And so, they keep their acceptance of and or alien friendly findings to themselves. 

Some individuals such as pilots would lose their jobs under a guise of mental incompetence, and military personnel would loose access to their preferred assignments. 

Religious Teachings and Norms:

Just because it is an accepted part of one's religion, does not mean it is accurate, or even biblical or being taught according to one's Holy Books. 

Believers in religion succumb to pressures from their preachers and priests who focus on earth based humans only, and that humans and the earth and the life within it, are the beginning and end of God's creation of life.  

Reasons vary from an egotistic and or geocentric point of view that we were made by God in the image of God and special in his eyes and that there are no others.  This is often in contradiction to what the holy books actually teach.  

Public Education and Psyops:

Statists, the education system, and the media only program us with what they want us to think, and or what has already been proven by acceptable empirical science.  

To think and explore beyond that is highly discouraged through a trifecta of social, religious, and scientific peer pressures. They too try to cast a lot of doubt and mockery on whether aliens exist or have visited earth, if they do exist.  

If the above fail, then enter psyops, often through the education system and the media, that attempt to debunk the idea of Alien life, Alien intelligence, Alien technology, and Alien visitation on earth, and make a mockery of those who explore such ideas. 

In some cases, individuals have been threatened and silenced by government agencies, as some claimed after The Roswell Incident. 

Ancient Cultures and Reports:

There are hundreds of ancient accounts that record visitations by other worldly beings.  Call it what you will, God(s), angels, demons, Satan, aliens, ETs, UFOS, and Anunnaki. This list is not all inclusive.

Academics will tell us this was just the imaginations of primitive people telling stories and creating mythologies to explain phenomena they did not understand.  

But what if for them these are real experiences and it was real history?  Why did they go through efforts to preserve these stories literally in stone at times, and in writing?  In ancient times to write and preserve a story took great effort, so why go through all the trouble? Even common paper and ink was hard to come by and an expensive luxury for the common person. 

Similar stories and traditions have been told and recorded and or depicted in art all over the world.  Cultures with language barriers and separated by great distances and oceans tell very similar stories.  

Religion, Mythology, and Aliens:


Ravana rides his Vimana, Pushpaka.

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world that is still practiced and the basis of many traditions and beliefs in Hindu and or Indian culture. For Indians and Hindus, the concept of alien life is not "alien" to them, neither something to doubt, but has been part of their traditions and taken for granted for thousands of years.  

Hindu ideas of creation and the possibilities of how we came to be and who God is,  match other faiths like Judaism, Christianity and Islam:



English Translations of Hindu Holy Books:



"Polemics emerge when religion is faced to the fact that there are supposedly visitation of intelligent beings from other planets in many cases from ancient times up to now. Vedic literature as basis of Hindu religious teachings is one of many religious resources which can be used as reference to this inquiry. This descriptive-qualitative study aims to  clarify whether Vedic Scriptures mention about extraterrestrial life, or intelligent life outside Planet Earth, and  enlist categories of extraterrestrial life as mentioned in the Vedic Scriptures. The methods used are literature study and documentary. Result of the study reveals that Vedic Scriptures, especially the four Vedas, Puranas and Itihasas clearly mention about existence of extraterrestrial species (alien beings) and their interactions with humans since the Vedic era. These extraterrestrial beings are of different categories which are more elaborately enlisted in some major Puranic literatures."



When Islam arrived, the people questioned if alien life and other worlds existed, and seemed to accept the answers of yes they do and or to believe in the seen and unseen.  

Muhammad claimed the revelation of the Quran was given to him over a period of time by the angel Gabriel. Was Gabriel an Alien in communication with Muhammad? 

Gabriel was an angel known to Christianity and Judaism.  It is also possible that some of these  alien beings lived much longer lives than modern humans, sometimes for centuries.  So is it possible the same being or alien who talked to other Biblical messengers and prophets also talked to Muhammad?

Even if Gabriel is truly an angel in the traditional sense, he would be otherworldly or alien to earth. 


Allah is Arabic word for God used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims who speak Arabic. Like other Abrahamic faiths and sects, Allah or God is thought to be everywhere at once.  In the heavens and space which is textbook alien, and on earth at the same time. 




Heaven is also thought to be a place independent of the earth, or above the earth.  A literal heaven, but also may reference the sky and or outer space, as in The Heavens.

Angels, demons, possibly jinn, and other creatures of the unseen world to humans are thought to ascend and descend to earth from the outer heavens.  Allah himself is thought to reside in heaven itself, possibly external from earth.

Allah, as the Quran is revealed, makes claims he is lord of the worlds, plural, that there may be more than one earth like planet, and more than one kind of intelligent life as we perceive humanity to be, and or creatures dispersed throughout the universe. 

Prophet Muhammad, Quran and Hadith Narration:

The Holy Quran Reference:


And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and what creatures He has dispersed throughout them. And He, for gathering them when He wills, is competent.

1:2  Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.  


“It is God who has created seven heavens and similar number of Earths. His command descends among them too, so you may know that God is competent over all things and that God has encompassed all things in knowledge.” 

Hadith Narration:

Ibn ‘Abbas was once asked about the verse, “It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them.” 

Other Earth Like Planets and Alien Humanoid Life:

The Prophet replied, “Seven earths: In every earth is a prophet like your Prophet, an Adam like your Adam, a Noah like your Noah, an Abraham like your Abraham and a Jesus like your Jesus." [Al-Durr Al-Manthur Fi Tafsir Bil-Ma'thur by Imam Suyuti]

Once the Prophet (PBUH) appeared to the gathering of the companions. He noticed that all of them were in deep thinking. So he asked, “What’s the matter?”

“We are thinking of the creation of Allah.”

“Very well, think of Allah’s creations, but not about how He might have come first lest it should inject bizarre thoughts.”

Isra and Miraj:

Muhammad's Night Journey To Heaven or Off World:


Of particular interest is the winged creature or steed Buraq that Muhammad rode on, and its description was similar to that of Ezekiel's Wheel in the Bible, and mode of travel for the Anunnaki.  

Was it a space ship or flying vehicle that they had difficulty describing at that time?  

Muhammad and his people would have no point of reference to compare it too. 


A Modern Islamic Scholar's View:

Yes, it is not forbidden to consider the possibility and or believe there might be life on other planets. 


English Translations of The Holy Quran:

The Pickthall translation of the Quran is modern and easy to understand.  


Arabic and Middle Eastern Folklore:

Magic Flying Carpet
UFO Tech in Ancient Stories
Similar to the Hindu Vimana

Aliens and Native Americans:

Why Native Americans Have No Fear Of Aliens:

South American Culture:

One of the reasons the Aztec culture fell victim to the Spanish starting with Cortes  was they were waiting for the return of a "God" like figure named Quetzalcoatl.  So when the Spanish arrived, they quickly welcomed them and submitted to them assuming they were the promised one(s). The Quetzalcoatl legend resembles other legends like Egyptian Horus and the Sumerian Anunnaki.




Ancient Sumerian Culture:

Stories of Ancient Sumerians, Anunnaki, Aliens, and Gods go together.  My focus here with this information and  these links is the Sumerian Anunnaki Alien God connections, and then the transition of those stories and people to Biblical Texts.  

People of Sumer:


Sumerian Religion and Myth:


Hybrid Humans and Humanoids:

Are we hybrids? 

It is thought that primate and Alien DNA may have been spliced at some point, but for what means?  To create a subservient slave race?  To develop and expedite our evolution?

There is also evidence that they helped us develop our first major cities, technology, culture, and government. Their ancient manuscripts tell tree of life and DNA stories, and now, science may be confirming these stories.  

Besides the fact we have at least one less chromosome than some of our Great Ape cousins, there is evidence that two genes were spliced to together. This might be lab or hand manipulation process. 

Of interest is chromosome 2 that appears to have been spliced manually.


And further evidence of DNA manipulation in this report:  


Who are the Anunnaki:

They may have arrived in Africa with purpose to find and mine gold, and or to use humans to mine gold for them.  They had influence and authority over cultures like Sameria, Babylon, and Egypt.

Common descriptions of them is that they had humanoid features but with elongated skulls.  They were giants ranging from 9-12 feet towering over the average human.  They were a master class, and humans were often slaves, servants, or followed their leadership. 

 The word Anunnaki has a meaning of Watchers, although some may say it means *those who form the heavens came."  They were very interested in gold and or using humans to mine the gold for them. In Sumerian texts depicted as having wings.  Some may have looked like fish, reptiles or birds.  Whether this was their actual form, or they were hybrids, and or had to wear some kind of space suit to survive on earth is up for speculation.

They were like gods, had supernatural powers or abilities, or what we can speculate was advanced technology.


Other Research on Ancient Sumer, Anunnaki, and Aliens:

"The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts"


The Role of Sumerian Aliens on Humanity:


Anunnaki The Gods of Samaria:


The Connection with Sumerians, Anunnaki, Aliens, and The Gods:


Sumerian Anunnaki:


Summary of Some the Sumerian Texts:


Transition From Sumerian to The Book of Enoch to Bible Stories:

Before completely brushing these ideas off as speculation and myth, here is the transition to Biblical times and Bible history.  

The Book of Enoch:


Translation of The Book of Enoch:


Anunnaki in The Bible:


Book of Genesis matches what is in Sumerian Texts and or Book of  Enoch:

1) Reference to Creation of Man and Humans

2) Lineage of Enoch to Noah

3) Sons of God would socialize and or mate with daughters of men

4) Reference to fallen angels who may have simply been sons of God or ETs and Humanoid Aliens of the time. This interpretation depends on context of one's faith or cultural understanding.  They were not all necessarily evil. 

5) References to Giants and or Nephilim 

Anunnaki and or Aliens in the Modern Bible:

As we transition into more near ancient history, we have evidence that the Anunnaki and or God(s) said, let us make (hu) man in our own image.  

Notice the royal "our" or plurality.  Not a singular word from one God or being that said let me make man in my own image.  So was there was more than one God creator of human life, alien, or ET form.  

These helpers or earth stewards, or ones who terraformed earth, in essence, creators are not to be confused with the Infinite Source of all of creation, what many call God or Allah. 

Genesis 1:26 

"And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." 

Catholic Church:

There is a Vatican Observatory run by Jesuits that begs the question, what are they looking for?


What Father Funes and Pope Francis Have Said:


Pope Benedict XVI's astronomer: the Catholic Church welcomes aliens:


Ezekiel's Vision:

Was Ezekiel's Wheel Alien and UFO Tech? 

Ancient description of the actual space ship or rocket ship does not get much better than this!

Describes what a rocket ship or space shuttle looks like on take off.  Light, fire, smoke, and of intrigue, the usage of the word "metal."

Creatures that had human form, but also wings, airplanes anyone?  Perhaps this is further description of the space vehicle from a person who had no previous point of reference instead of a sentient being's description.


Chapter 1 also reminds us of Jesus Ascension to the heavens to meet with or sit on God's Right hand in the heavens.  Jesus ascends into a cloud that hides his view.  What else was the cloud hiding?  


Did Jesus Ascend, or was he beamed or taken up?

The Story of Job:

Satan the Extra Terrestrial: 

As the coming section on Job will show, Satan had dominion over the earth, and was allowed to have an audience with God along with other sons of men, up to and including the bet of whether he could tempt Job into falling into sin and despair.  

Was Satan always evil?  Or did he just punish those who were disobedient to him?

Ancient Aliens: S 6 E 5:  The Satan Conspiracy


ET and Norse Mythology Connection:

Other names of Satan include Lucifer meaning The Morning Star (ET?),  Light or Light Bringer.  In Norse Myth we have Loki who is essentially associated with the same meaning.  Loki too was also considered a trickster.  Some might perceive him as evil.  Others perhaps just ornery .

Again, the story of Job, although cruel in humanity's eyes, was just a bet between two extra terrestrials at the very least?  Or God and Satan in the heavens at the most?  Satan/Loki and God (whoever it was at the time.)


Satan and Loki were both defiant at times with their own kin and gods.  Satan the fallen angel to earth, Loki at times exiled from his home at times and or ostracized for questionable behaviors.

Another interesting take on Satan:


The Trials of Job in the Bible:

Job is one of the older characters in the bible and the book of Job may be one of the older or oldest book.  We don't know for sure if Moses and or his associated Priest Class wrote the story, but Job himself may predate Abraham.  Like other ancients in the bible like Enoch, Job had a long lifespan, and may have lived and or been influenced by Egyptian culture.  Of course, Egyptians and Sumerians were influenced by the Anunnaki.  

Note that like the book of Genesis, the description Sons of God was used.  We might assume these were creatures, perhaps alien or angel that answered to god.  And or humans that may have had gained some favor with god and or took direct orders from God himself.  

This passage contradicts other passages that say no man (modern human) has seen god at any time.  So I want to wager these may have been alien ETs doing work here on earth, and or creatures that were half gods half man like the Nephilim.  

Job was a man who lived on earth.  God was a being who lived up in heaven, extra terrestrial and alien according to the textbook definition. 

Leaders of the Planet(s) Meet:

The Book of Job almost reads like a Star Trek gathering of Federation Leadership. 

The Meeting(s):

Job 1:6 

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. "

Who Attended?

Sons of God, Plural, who appeared to come from multiple worlds, along with Satan, who was there to represent Earth.  

What is the difference between Son's of God and or humans, in particular progeny of Adam and Eve.  A belly button perhaps?  Were those without a belly button a type of hybrid or clone?

In the Gospel of Luke, the genealogy of Jesus is traced all the way back to Adam. Notice what Luke says about this lineage: 

Luke 3:38 

"the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God."

Adam was gods creation, clone (made in god's image) or a possible clone or hybrid. By these context clues, we can assume others who were labelled sons of god had a similar beginnings.  These beings were not born, but created by God and or artificially, and or placed on different planets and or worlds.

Initially,  Adam the son of God, created to have dominion over the Earth. However, for whatever reason, perhaps Adam's natural death, or his disobedience and being cast out, at the time of the writing of Job, Satan had dominion over the earth.  

New Testament Evidence that Satan was in charge of the earth too during the Temptation of Jesus. Satan takes Jesus to the highest mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of earth.  Sounds more like a space shuttle or space station to me? How else would Jesus see these things at one time?  Kingdoms plural?  

Also, the only way Satan could actually offer Jesus these Kingdoms is if he actually was in control of them himself.  The Prince of the World/Earth. 


And so The Godfather called his planetary Mob Bosses together to have a business meeting.   

There is almost a cruel human side, like human like behavior between God and Satan. But then again, earth humans were made in God's image, and this may include personality traits. God and Satan were making bets to see if a good man like Job could fall.  And so it was decided to test Job.  

Later, God speaks to Job from a whirlwind.  Again, more UFO imagery 

Chapter 1:6 "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them"

1:7 "And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."

There is almost humanoid like an absent mindedness of "God" or the leader, like where have you been and why are you here? Or may be a veiled question of why are you late?

Job 2:1 "Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. "

2:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. 

2:3And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. 

2:4 And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.

2:5 But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. 

2:6 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.

2:7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown. 

2:8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.

Of course one can read more from the Bible on the specific trials of Job.  

That was not the objective here, rather the setting of the meeting and the UFO and ET imagery and behavior.

Further Research:


Holy books like The Bible, Book of Enoch, The Quran, Hindu Scriptures

The Seven Tablets of Creation

Babylonian and Sumerian Creation Myth




The History Channel Series: Ancient Aliens

Documentary on Amazon Prime 

As In The Days of Noah

Deep Thought on a Side Topic Telepathy and Visions:

Shamanism, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, and Aliens

Ever have a 6th sense, a premonition, a knowing of some impending event like a bad storm?  Perhaps instructions to lead people to safety, or to visit someone?  Many people are waking up to the idea of our Binary Solar System, its planets, and what a close passage of Wormwood will do to us.  They are both learning and being called to help others prepare for what is coming.  

You may call that voice intuition, 6th sense, messages from spirit guides as in shamanism, to  alien helpers, or Guardian Angels. In present moment awareness and silence......

 Be still, and listen to what that small, quiet voice is revealing to you. 


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